Friday, February 24, 2012

DAY 55: Table For Two

I went grocery shopping right after Byron came home today. While I 
was gone, he went to bed because he's working through the night again tonight. :(
When I got home the kids were running around saying they were getting
something ready for me and Byron and I was not allowed to look in the living
room. (Kind of hard not to when I'm making supper in the kitchen and it's right there!)
This is what they did for us though! Isn't it the sweetest thing ever? This is 
where we had to eat supper.  Madison wrote out a menu and everything! 
Love those kids! It just really made my day. :)


  1. aw! are you serious!? that just melts my heart ! love those kids!!!

  2. So sweet!! I love the tulip leaves under the cutlery :)

  3. The things kids do that just MELT you to pieces... :D Love it Rach, that is super sweet!

  4. OH man that is seriously so cute!! I totally remember doing that for mom and dad <3
