Wednesday, April 7, 2010


So I have some advice for anyone who has 4 young children aged 5 and under. Do NOT take them to the fabric store with you. I attempted to do this today.

It was NOT fun. At all.
And it's not something I will ever do again.
At least not until they no longer fit in the "tunnels" under the fabric displays.

I found out today that K has some horrible taste in fabric. If her taste doesn't change at some point she will not be picking out any of her clothes till she moves out of the house. That's how bad it is.
I did somehow manage to get some fabric for M and K's dresses that I'm going to be making.

The blue is for M and the pink for K.
(The colors are a little different than the pictures but that's what happens when your husband goes off for a holiday to Australia with your camera. You get stuck with the camera on his phone.)

Last week I sewed a quick dress for N from the Sweet Little Dress pattern from Leila and Ben. They have a some really cute patterns in their store.

(Once again, not a very good picture. :( But you can kind of get the idea.)


  1. lol, i hate to laugh at your expense but the image in my head of your kids crawling through those tubes is quite hilarious! :) love the fabric choices, though! can't wait to see the finished product

  2. Make sure you post pictures of the finished dresses :)
    haha, a fabric store would be the perfect place for hide-and-seek when you are that young!
    and i'm sure your little daughter will become less misguided eventually.. hopefully before she's a stubborn teenager :P

  3. Hahaha that's hilarious :) love your kids!
    By the way, great choices on material for their dresses!!

    Ashley T
