Monday, March 22, 2010

New Coffee Table!

The coffee table is finished! And I love it! When Byron brings home his tools this week I can finish my 2 side tables and I can bring my old non-matching furniture downstairs. Whoooo! 

I found the plans for this table at Knock Off Wood. I think it's one of the coolest blogs out there. There's so many nice things on there I want to build! Beds, bookshelves, nightstands ...Yeah, it's a pretty neat blog. Check it out!


  1. The table turned out REALLY good!! Garrick is making the king size bed (hopefully) from off the site with his dad when his parents come out....his mom and I and the girls are going shopping :)

  2. I love the table:) you are a very talented lady!!

  3. You are amazing Rachel! Excellent work. So how do you keep your kids out of the nice bowl of stuff on the table? I haven't figured that one out yet. :-)

  4. If you don't mind I think I'm just going to steal your kids for a little while.. hope that's ok!
    Oh, and I like the table :)

  5. nice work on the table, rae! i'm very impressed! i still have to post pics of our green cabinet - though, i didn't build it so you are still MUCH cooler than me!! :)
