Wednesday, May 9, 2012

DAY 130: The Toothfairy Came!

Kaelynn has terrible teeth, just like my older two. I am so 
hoping that Nadiya will be totally different and have amazing
teeth. I like to dream! Anyways, she had one pulled yesterday and
is going in to the hospital on friday to have more dental work done. 
The toothfairy forgot to leave money last night but halfway through
the day when Kaelynn asked me if the tooth fairy took her tooth yet,
the toothfairy suddenly remembered. When Kaelynn
went down to look again later she came running upstairs to let me know
that the toothfairy actually came!


  1. Replies
    1. I know hey? I've had to do the save a few times over my career as a tooth fairy.

  2. its a good thing that the toothfairy works 24/7 :)

  3. HAHA! sounds like the tooth fairy could use a little bit of training ;)
