Saturday, January 12, 2013

DAY 363: Happy 5th Birthday Kaelynn!

Typical Kaelynn face! :) Kaelynn was able to celebrate her birthday
this year at Grandpa & Grandma's place. It made it just that
little bit more special. And the part she was most excited about?
The Winnie the Pooh ice cream cake. How much better can it get?!

Well, I made it do December 31st! I'm happy to be done! 
Somehow I must have messed up and missed more days than I thought.
I'm pretty sure 2012 had more than 363 days... :P  I'm just going to 
pretend that never happened.

1 comment:

  1. nicely done Rachel.. you should've just added a couple days somewhere in December :p
    I'm kind of sad you are done.. hope you keep adding pictures once in awhile!
