Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Madison is writing!

I know. Crazy that I'm doing two posts in two days but
I just had to share this.
Madison wrote on Sunday afternoon, and I just thought it was the cutest 
thing ever!
You are so beautiful so I love you
because I love you and you are 
You love me too because we are a 
family. That is why I love you.
For my mom and dad.

I love it! It's so neat when they start reading and writing!


And here are some pictures from yesterday.


  1. that letter from mads is ADORable!! :) so cute! did you make their cake???

  2. ooh cute cake! looks like they had a good time.
    and I love that letter!
    do you think that doll will teach her how to be gentle :P

  3. char: yeah, i made their cake. it was kind of fun!
    kara: I'm pretty sure nothing will make Nadiya gentle!

  4. Hey Awesome cake.. did you make the fondant??
    Could I get you're recepie??

  5. Cool cake Rachel I am curious did you make your own fondant? If you did was it yummy?

  6. Angie: Yeah I did make my own fondant.
    It pretty much just tasted like sugar, so if you like sugar... :)
