Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

DAY 58

She was supposed to be emptying the dishwasher. I don't think 
she was working very efficiently.

DAY 57: So Tired...

She fell asleep in between bites Sunday afternoon.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Friday, February 24, 2012

DAY 55: Table For Two

I went grocery shopping right after Byron came home today. While I 
was gone, he went to bed because he's working through the night again tonight. :(
When I got home the kids were running around saying they were getting
something ready for me and Byron and I was not allowed to look in the living
room. (Kind of hard not to when I'm making supper in the kitchen and it's right there!)
This is what they did for us though! Isn't it the sweetest thing ever? This is 
where we had to eat supper.  Madison wrote out a menu and everything! 
Love those kids! It just really made my day. :)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

DAY 54: Winterfest

I thought I was being really organized this morning, even managing to 
grab my camera before heading out the door to go to Winterfest at school. 
It wasn't until I was attempting to take the first picture of Madison that I 
realized I was missing a very important feature of my camera. The memory card. :(
So I had to take out my phone, and use it as a camera. Besides the blur factor
on most of the pictures I suppose it did the trick. :)

DAY 53: 'New' Skates

Byron finally has a pair of skates!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Monday, February 20, 2012

DAY 51: Skating

 The kids have all been asking for a few weeks if they can go skating. Last week I tried but there
was a lot of people playing hockey on the outside rink. So today (Family Day here in Alberta)
I promised the kids we'd try again. There was a few people playing hockey but I said we'd 
skate for awhile anyways, as long as the kids stuck to the sides. I had just gotten the oldest
3 kids skates on, and a very nice lady told us that they were opening the inside rink
for the people who weren't playing hockey. The kids were soooo excited. We all had
a lot of fun. Even Nadiya was skating away on her boots! She was a little ticked off at first that
I didn't have skates for her, but once I pointed out that mom didn't have skates either
she was okay with it.

DAY 50: Big Earrings

These girls like earrings and they wanted to try on mommy's. A little big
for now, but someday they'll grow into them. Just ignore Kaelynn's
disgusted expression. I'm sure it had nothing to do with the earrings. :)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

DAY 49: Tulips

Aren't they pretty? And no, they're not from Byron. :)
They're part of a thank you for taking care of one of my nieces. I think
they're absolutely beautiful!

DAY 48: My Little Molly Maid

(This is for yesterday still)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

DAY 46: Playing Games

The kids really like playing electronic type games. I'm constantly being asked if they
 can play the computer and as soon as they catch a glimpse of Byron's phone 
they are asking to play games on there. I've been using my oven timer a lot lately. :P

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

DAY 45: I Dump It?

For some reason Nadiya loves to dump out the lego. Unfortunately for her
she doesn't love the picking it all up part. Oh well! As long as I don't have to clean
it up, she can dump it as often as she wants.

Monday, February 13, 2012

DAY 44: Dear Valentine

This is Ethan's first time doing Valentine's cards. He was pretty excited,
and spent a long time carefully writing out 'from Ethan' on every one of them.
I should probably put them in his bag right away or I'll have a devastated son tomorrow, 
because they'll get left on the counter at home. 

DAY 43: Nadiya's House

As I was making supper last night, Nadiya was busy making a mess of 
my cupboards, pretending it was her house.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

DAY 42: :)

Things like this make me happy. :)

Friday, February 10, 2012

DAY 41: Miss Madders

I would really like for her to stop growing up so fast.

DAY 40: Making Houses

Yesterday morning I got a few boxes sent from Staples. After I had taken everything out, the girls decided to make houses for themselves. Madison's is a dog house and Kaelynn's is a kitten house. Such a simple thing but it kept them busy all morning. I love it when they use their imaginations!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

DAY 39: So Sleepy

Nadiya was up at 5:30 this morning. I was much too tired (lazy) to bring her
back downstairs, so I plunked her down on the couch with a blanket and headed back
upstairs. She must have really liked it on the couch, because everyone else was up
making lots of noise at 7 and she slept right through it all and finally woke up
at 8 just in time to say bye to her daddy as he left for work.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

DAY 38: Excercising

Kaelynn asked if she could do the exercise movie this morning. The 30-day shred 
one. Like she really needs it! She asked for some weights so I gave her some small 
cans and of course Nadiya wanted to join in too. They made it almost all the way through before
telling me they were SO tired and couldn't do it anymore. 
They've got pretty good form I think.

DAY 37: Making Earrings

My pile of earrings is growing! Trying to make a stock pile so we don't
run out again!

DAY 36: Reading Together

Reading Curious George together.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

DAY 35: My Little Helper

Everytime I'm working in the kitchen Nadiya likes to drag up a stool and plunk it 
right where I would like to be standing. I always move her and her stool over to right in 
front of the sink, and as soon as that beater is out of my machine and in the sink, she has it 
in her little hands and starts to clean it off for me. So loving of her!!

Friday, February 3, 2012

DAY 34: Playing Outdoors

All four kids were outside for hours today. Nadiya didn't last too long before she came 
knocking on the door saying, "I freezing". So we hung out inside, while the other three
played outside with our neighbor girl. It was absolutely beautiful outside today! I can handle 
winters like this! :)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

DAY 33: Bubblegum

Today was Candy Sale Day at school. The kids came home with a stash of candy for each. 
Madison was practicing blowing bubbles all afternoon, so I had to snap a shot of her. She thinks 
she's pretty cool, because she can blow big bubbles now. :P

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

DAY 32 - Chapped Lips

Ethan often has chapped lips, and this would be why. When he is
concentrating on something, he is constantly licking his lips. I don't think
it's possible to make him stop.

DAY 31

Nadiya pretending she knows her alphabet.