Monday, December 20, 2010

Almost the end of the year...

In a couple of days we are heading to BC to visit my family. So excited! 
At the beginning of December we did Sinterklaas with the kids. They loved it!

The kids got something called Model Magic which they spent hours and hours playing with at the kitchen table.  I think that was one of the most used presents we have ever given our kids. Madison got quite creative with it.

We had a big dump of snow last week, and the kids have been having a lot of fun outside. The deep snow makes it a little hard for them to walk through, so for the most part they stick with the big piles of snow on either side of the driveway. Keeps them happy and makes it really easy for me to keep an eye on them!

Wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas as we remember the birth of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Some randomness

Kaelynn has a favorite pair of pajamas. She calls them her spider pjs and every time they are cleaned those are the pjs she picks.Sadly for her, I think it's time they were retired.

What do you think? Time to throw them out?


Kaelynn's sneaky attempt at making herself a sandwich. I thought it 
was too quiet upstairs, and I should have checked sooner. Sigh... 
It was a big chocolatey mess all over her and my counter.

Byron calls Nadiya 'half-moon eyes'. I have no idea why.